I'm a transformative coach

Rediscover yourself

I will guide you through a transformative conversation and small exercises on a journey back to yourself, to the original „factory setting” when we didn’t do much as children, but we were great learners, experiencing everything fully and with joy.


Why discover yourself?

Everyone longs for peace, happiness and intuition to guide them through life. There is a space beyond our personal consciousness from which wisdom, love, connection with nature and others, and an infinite amount of information comes from. We cannot think our way into this space, it can only be accessed by quieting the mind.

Stress, a feeling of emptiness, or that something is wrong but we don’t know what it is – these are all signs of separation from inner peace and flow – our original setting.

There are no physical boundaries to our peace of mind. All the information of life is always available, within reach at whatever moment or place we are. When we understand how the system of downloading this information works, we will be back to a sense of happiness, fulfillment and mental health. Yet experiencing happiness is a side effect of an intuitive way of living.

Transformativní koučka

The two most important qualities of us human beings are the ability to feel and to know. To know that we are 100% supported by life itself, by the system, by our setup. To feel if we are doing things in accordance with this knowing or going against it. It’s quite simple, though sometimes difficult, to become aware of these two absolutely basic abilities.

I’ll guide you through a transformative conversation and small exercises on the way back to yourself, to the original „factory setting”, when we didn’t do much as children, but were great learners, experiencing everything fully and joyfully.

Rediscover yourself. Experience the wonder of discovering a life in which all moments are significant – including yourself. Noticing and understanding yourself significantly distinguishes a good life from an exceptionally great one.

I'll help you

If you are worried about

But I can also help you if you want:

About me

A little about me

I am a transformative coach with six years of experience. I speak Czech and English and have the experience of working in both languages. In coaching I use a metaphor for our experience of life called the 3 principles (Mind, Thought and Consciousness). I love working with children and parents. And overall with people who want to see more and simplify their lives.

I have two children, a son (16) and a daughter (9) with whom I have a wonderful relationship and understanding.

Life has taught me that everything changes in life. Be it the pretty or the ugly. I’ve been through post traumatic depression, domestic violence, poverty, estrangement from family, many positions in business, marriage and divorce, … just all sorts of things we all go through in life and we deal with it in time anyway.

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