For coaches


Transform the lives of your clients

Make an impact

Coaching is a wonderful profession that moves people through their lives – sometimes faster, sometimes not. Transformative coaching has the wonderful advantage of replacing a therapy. Therefore, a client can progress quite quickly from personal problems to creating and fulfilling dreams. But how to have an impact equivalent to a quantum leap? How do you make the client come back and want to continue working with you? 
Having a greater impact on the client is a main benefit of mentoring your coaching sessions. Clients come back, they give you credentials, and so more of them come over the time. If your client calms down during the session, that’s a great outcome of the session. However, if his or her life is to be truly transformed, it requires a quality of conversation that points deeply to the essence of the human being.

Special mentoring

program for coaches

There is a 6-month program for coaches coming from any field/technique. 6 mentoring sessions (send in a recording of a coaching session, listen to it and we’ll discuss it together in 90 minutes) over 6 months. Two extra sessions (one at the beginning and one at the end). Plus joint monthly webinars as part of the Transformative Coaches Club here sign up on FB now for free whether you want the program or not). You’ll also get an extra webinar once a month with just a group of everyone in the mentoring program.
In addition to this program, you have a free online opportunity to participate in an intensive coaching session (2.5 days) as an observer with the opportunity to analyze each part of the session before and after.
You will have the opportunity to:
  • see the many ways in which truth and principles can be pointed out beyond our human experience
  • work with your clients more simply and with greater impact
  • discuss with me what, how and why I did what I did during the session
  • deepen your grounding in the principles behind our human experience
  • to ground myself in the nuts and bolts of coaching
  • improve in listening to yourself, your client and the wisdom between you

Programme content

What to expect

If you want to have more impact on your clients within 6 months, sign up for the mentoring program.

Why am I doing this?

Mentoring is my love

One of my favorite things to do. To be able to help a professional move up and reach more people and make more people happy is just a beautiful job. I would really like to see as many happy people as possible in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. I definitely can’t do it alone. Anyone in the helping profession is in the same boat and I’m rooting for everyone. 
Over the last three years I have mentored about 70 aspiring coaches, including children’s coaches. And all of my sessions with them have been magical.